“Who is Fatima?” provides an outlook on the role of women in contemporary Maghreb, specifically in the field of political leadership and education, as it is in this field that a very special power is held – the power to influence and set an example for future generations.
The format chosen is a contamination of filmed interviews to key figures in Morocco’s feminine universe and a 2D cartoon that tells the story of Fatima al Fihri, the Tunisian-born founder of the famous Mosque Al-Karaouine in Fez. The tale of this 9th century figure, imagined as a curious little girl and then as a determined woman, serves as an input to discuss the role of women within the world of education and decision-making and within society at large, in contemporary Maghreb.
The interviewer leading the audience through this journey will be an Algerian woman, a journalist who succeeded in a traditionally male-dominated field. Her backwards journey, following Fatima’s traces in her migration from Tunisia to Morocco, is an occasion to meet women who have been able to give a big contribute in terms of culture and emancipation to the present society in this region. A third viewpoint is therefore brought in, by the shadow of Fatima which comes down from the cartoon into reality: walking along walls and throughany barriers she comes across our protagonist’s itinerary, establishing a special connection with her.
“Who is Fatima?” è un viaggio nel mondo femminile del Maghreb. Contaminazione tra documentario e animazione, il video narra la storia di Fatima al Fihri, donna tunisina vissuta nel IX secolo, emigrata in Marocco e fondatrice della famosa moschea Mosque Al-Karaouine a Fez, crocevia di incontri tra i più grandi intellettuali maghrebini e non solo.
Una giornalista algerina, molto sensibile alla questione dei diritti e dell’emancipazione delle donne, compie un viaggio a ritroso, sulle orme di Fatima, alla ricerca delle donne odierne che hanno saputo dare un grosso contributo culturale, sociale o economico ai loro paesi in Nord Africa.
credits: author – director – editor